The Biology Classroom
The Microbiology Classroom--------- Home -------- The Physiology Classroom
Units of Study
First semester |
Second semester |
Unit 5:Evolution (Ch 14, Ch 15) |
-life requirements -scientific methods |
-natural selection -mechanisms of evolution |
Unit 2: Energy of Life (Ch 2) |
Unit 6: Diversity and Classification of Life (Ch 17,18,19,20,23,24,25-32) |
-overview of organisms and their environment -energy & its flow in ecosystems |
-introduction to taxonomy -Survey of the Kingdoms -ecological principles |
Unit 3: Chemistry of Life (Ch 6 ) |
Unit 8: Human Body |
-basic and organic chemistry -role of enzymes |
-nutrition -digestive system -respiratory system -circulatory system -urinary system -nervous system -reproduction and development
Unit 4: Cells: The Building Blocks of Life (Ch 7) |
-cell theory -types of cells -organization of the cell |
Unit 5: Cell Transport and Cycle (Ch 8) |
-types of transport -cell growth and reproduction -the cell cycle |
Unit 6: Closer Look at the Energy of Cells (Ch 9) |
-photosynthesis -cellular respiration |
Unit 7: Genetics (Ch 10,11,12 and 13) |
basic genetics priniciples -meiosis -DNA replication, RNA replication (transcription) and Protein production (translation) -patterns of inheritance -biotechnology |
Questions or Comments can be sent by e-mail to Moore Biology.