The Biology Classroom
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Unit 1: The Nature of Biology
Class discussions |
-Making Scientific Observations -Lab Report Requirements Checklist
Buzz words | |
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Additional Resources |
Scientific Methods -Mr. Biology's Web Page: This link describe and applies the scientific method in simple terms. -Appendix E: Introduction to the Scientific Method: A descriptive outline of the scientific method and an explanation of the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law. The General Pattern of the Scientific Method: An on-line booklet describing the scientific method according to 14 ingredients. -Experimental Science Projects: An Intermediate Level Guide. This site walks you through the basics of experimental design and the possible errors that arise. -The Scientific Method of Problem Solving: A high school biology web site geared at experimental design and how to read scientific papers. -Access Excellence: This article explains the role of chance and discovery in the scientific method. -On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research, National Academy of Sciences An on-line book taking an in-depth look at the conduct and issues surrounding scientific research. -Richard Feyman's Cargo Cult Science: A famous physicist commentary on science vs. pseuodoscience.
Questions or Comments can be sent by e-mail to Moore Biology.