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The Microbiology Classroom 

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Tentative Course outline for Microbiology

Unit 1: Fundamentals of Microbiology (Ch 1 &3)

-Introduction to Diversity and Importance of Microbes

-Brief History of Microbiology

-Modern Applications

-Aseptic techniques


Unit 4: Interactions between microbes and host (Ch7,14, &15)

-control of microbial growth

-principles of disease and epidemiology

-microbial mechanisms of transmission and disease

-host defense mechanisms

Unit 2: Microbial Cell Biology (Ch 4, 6 and 5)

-Structure and function of the Prokaryotic Cell

-Growth and division

-Bacterial cell energy metabolism

Unit 5: Survey of the Microbial World (Ch 13, *ch 21-26)


-normal microbial flora of the human body

-microbes and human disease

*highlighting major infectious diseases throughout history

Unit 3: Microbial Genetics and Biotechnology (Ch 8 & 9)

-basics of genetics and inheritance

-bacterial transfer of genetic information

-introduction to biotechnology

- Polymerase Chain Reaction


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