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The Microbiology Classroom

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Unit 1: Fundamentals of Microbiology (Ch 1 &3)


Topic 1:Introduction to Diversity ,Importance of Microbes and Modern Applications

Class discussions

-Are microbes Everywhere? Understanding Bacteria Video-clip questions

-An Introduction to Microbes Class Discussion Notes

Activities and Labs

-What are microbes? mini-activity

-Lab 1: Ubiquity of Microbes

a) mini-microbe hunt

b) Winogradsky column

c) biofilms

d) preparation of agar plates

e) microbial yogurt

-Follow-up to Lab 1: Ubiquity of Microbes

Helpful Links

1) Microbe Library: 

Searchable database of microbe images, information and activities

7 case studies on the microbes around you


2) The Bad Bug Book
On-line handbook of basic facts regarding food-borne pathogenic microbes 


3) Cells

A tremendous gallery of images, video clips and animations of microbes




Topic 2: Brief History of Microbiology

Class discussions

-Socratic Seminar Guidelines and ScoringGuide

-Socratic Seminar over "Tuberculosis: The Silent Killer"

Activities and Labs


Helpful Links

1) A New Germ Theory, The Atlantic On-line



Topic 3: Aseptic techniques

Class discussions


Activities and Labs

Lab 2: Aseptic transfers

Helpful Links

1) Wash

Current statistics on handwashing and its importance


Topic 4: Microscopy

Class discussions


Activities and Labs


Helpful Links


1) Nanoworld Image Gallery

Searchable database of "nanoscopic" images of everyday materials to living things


2) Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc.

A vast gallery of enhanced high-quality images taken using an electron microscope, zoom-in images of various  insects and the top ten most wanted bugs list.


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