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The Microbiology Classroom
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Are microbes everywhere?
An Introduction to Microbes and their impacts on society
Exercise 1: Your opinion of microbes
1) What do you think microbes are? Try to provide your own definition of a microbe and a few examples of them.
2) What do you think microbes need to grow? Think about your own life requirements. Try to list at least 3.
3) Where do you think microbes live? Try to list at least 3 locations.
Exercise 2: "Understanding Bacteria: Part I" video clip
1) Pneumonia, salmonella and meningitis are all caused by ____________________.
2) ___________________________ are the greatest cause of illness and death in human history.
3) Less than _______ of all bacteria cause disease.
4) _____________ are possibly the oldest life form on earth withstanding such diverse environments as the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park and the 480 F hydrothermal vents found at the depths of the ocean.
5) Bacteria are single celled organisms classified in the ________________ domain or branch of the tree of life.
6) We are born bacteria free. However, within hours we are colonized by over __________ different species of microbes.
7) __________________ _____________ is the most toxic substance on earth: 6 million times more deadly than rattlesnake venom.
While at the same time, we are finding this substance released from this bacterium might have possible applications to individuals suffering from hyperactive muscle disorders, such as Parkinson's, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis.
8)__________________ _______________________ is the secret ingredient or bacterium behind sourdough bread.
9) _________ ____________________are usually part of the normal harmless flora of bacteria found on the skin and in the respiratory tract. However, certain strains have found to be flesh eating bacteria that are capable of eating up to 1 inch of human flesh per minute.
10) ________________ is the biggest all time killer in human history caused by a single pathogen that has claimed over 500 million lives.
11) Black death or __________________ ____________ is a bacterium that is transmitted by fleas that claimed over 1/3 of the population in Europe during the 14th century.
12) What accidental discovery by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928 changed medical history? ______________________________
13) ________________ are pieces of genetic material that can be transferred between bacteria of the same species or different species that may contain information on how to dodge an antibiotic.
xercise 3: Post video discussion questions
1) How are bacteria beneficial to humans?
2) How would medical treatment be different today if bacteria had not been discovered?
Exercise 4: Reading from Farrell's Invisible Enemies: Tuberculosis: The Return of the Slow Killer
Journal Entry #1: Write a one-page reflection over the reading on a separate sheet of paper. Try to include a timeline of events, your opinion on various topics raised in the chapter, and at least 3 thought-provoking discussion questions.
Exercise 5: "Understanding Bacteria: Part II" video clip
1)__________________ are the breeding grounds for antibiotic resistant microorganisms.
2) _________________ antibiotics are prescribed each year for the common cold virus, even though antibiotics have little effect on its growth or death.
3) One-half of all the antibiotics in the United States are used on _____________________________ to curve disease and promote growth.
4) ___________________ is the antibiotic used as a last resort due to its toxicity and cost.
5) _________________ ____________________is the number one cause of hospital infections. Many strains of this bacteria have been found resistant to several types of antibiotics.
6) _____________ _______________ _________ in South Dakota is the longest continuously running gold mine in the world.
7) This gold mine has employed a bacteria called ______________________________ to break down the cyanide that is used to isolate the gold in the mining process to ensure safe water.
8) __________________________ ___________ is a spiral shaped slow moving bacterium that is responsible for most stomach ulcers.
9) __________________ chromosomes are more highly evolved than ____________ due to the fact that there is no wasted letters in their alphabet; they have wall to wall genes.
10) Understanding the ________ of microbes will help develop the next class of antibiotics or a future industrial application of a microbe, such as whitening paper.
11) Most antibiotics come from bacteria living in the ________________.
Exercise 5: Post video discussion questions
1) What practices or factors in society have promoted the development of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria?
2) Do you think the wide application of antibiotics in our society is for medicinal or economic reasons?
3) What would happen if vancomycin became as widely used as penicillin and tetracycline?
4) Do you think we should continue research on antibiotics? Explain why and how.
5) How bacteria free do you think your house is? What are some possible hot spots?
Exercise 6: Reading from "A New Germ Theory: Antibiotics against Heart Disease?" article by Judith Hooper
Journal Entry #1: Write a one-page reflection over the reading on a separate sheet of paper. Try to include a brief summary of findings, your opinion on various topics raised in the chapter, and at least 3 thought-provoking discussion questions.