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Weekly Schedule for Moore’s Physiology
Week 7:Monday, February 24 to Friday, February 28
In-class |
Homework |
Monday, February 24 (day 6) 1)
Go over integumentary system test 2)
Bone growth
and development discussion |
4: Introduction to the Skeletal System due TUES. |
Tuesday, February 25 ( day 7) 1)
Overview of Articulations (joints) and movements
Discussion |
Wednesday, February 26 ( day 8) 1)
Lab 5: An Introduction to Articulations |
Thursday, February 27 ( day 9)1)
Wrap-up Articulations discussion 2)
Wrap-up Lab 5: Introduction to Articulations 3)
Lab 5: Introduction to Joints due FRI. |
Friday, February 28 ( day 10) 1)
Review skeletal system -whole
class concept map review -small group review |
for test on MONDAY over the skeletal system |
of the week:
"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds
discuss people."
J. Peter
of the week: What causes shin splints?
Answer to last week’s question: How are warts formed? A wart is al ump on the skin produced when one of the 30 types of papillomavirus invades skin cells and causes them to multiply rapidly. There are several different types of warts: common warts, usually on injury sites; flat warts on hands, accompanied by itching; digitate warts having fingerlike projections; filiform warts on eyelids, armpits and necks; plantar warts on the soles of the feet; and genital warts, pink cauliflower like areas that if occurring in a woman’s cervix, could predispose her to cervical cancer. Each is produced by a specific virus, and most are usually symptomless. Warts are spread by touch or by direct contact with the skin shed from the wart.
Organization of the Skeletal System
-2 major divisions: axial and appendicular portion
-major bones of the skeleton
-4 general shapes of bones: short, long, flat and irregular
Anatomy of the Skeleton
-bone chemistry (97% non-living ( 2/3 mineral reserve and 1/3 protein fibers) and 3 % living osteocytes)
-bone cytology ( osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts, fibroblasts)
-bone histology (compact bone: osteon (bone bundle): ( Haversian canal, osteocyte, lacunae, canaliculi, lamellae)
spongy bone: trabeculae ( tubular network ( osteocyte, lacunae, canaliculi, lamellae)
-Gross-anatomy of bone: structures and functions of a long bone ( periosteum, epiphysis, diaphysis, endosteum, medullary cavity, yellow marrow, red marrow, compact bone, spongy bone, articular cartilage, blood supply, etc.)
-Articulations (joints)
-Structural types: fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial
-Functional types: synarthrosesm amphiarthroses, and diarthroses
Physiology of the Skeletal System
-major functions ( support, protection, blood cell factory, fat reserve, mineral reserve)
-Bone growth and development
* 2 types of bone growth: intramembranous and endochondral
*specific steps involved in endochondral bone formation
* factors affecting bone growth ( 1) hormones: Calcitonin, PTH, estrogen and testosterone, 2) exercise, 3) diet: vitamin D, C, 4) gender, and 5) age)
-repair of bone fracture
-body movements (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, rotation, circumduction, retraction/protraction, elevation/depression)
1) skeletons illustrating shapes of bones
2) micrograph slide of compact bone
3) micrograph slide of spongy bone
4) skeleton of major bones
5) gross anatomy of long bone
6) articulations on skeleton
7) articulations on X-rays
Describe how a femur forms in the fetus into adolescence.
Describe the 5 factors that might affect bone growth.
how various structures in the skeletal system lead to its numerous functions.
Compare and contrast various disorders of the skeletal system.