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The Physiology Classroom

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Weekly Schedule for Moore’s Human Physiology

Week 1: Monday, January 13 to Friday, January 17

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Monday, January 13 (day 1)


1) brief introduction and syllabus


2) practice human anatomy quiz


3) go over microbiology final


4) survival scenario




Read sections 1.1 - 1.5 ( pages 1-7)

Take your own notes over the section and 5 discussion questions

DUE TUES. (1/14)

Tuesday, January 14 (day 2)


1) Class Discussion and Activities

-Introduction to anatomy and physiology

-10 major life processes

-5 major life requirements

-role of homeostasis

-organization of the human body


2) Demonstration

-class web site, textbook web site and textbook CD-ROM,

Interactive Physiology CD-ROM


Read sections 1.6-1.7 ( pages 8-15)

Take your own notes over the section

DUE WED. ( 1/15)

Wednesday, January 15 (day 3)



Lab 1: Organization of the Human Body

Lab 1: Organization of the Human Body due FRI. (1/17)

Thursday, January 16 (day 4)







Friday, January 17 (day 5 )


Begin Chemistry of the body discussion and activities

Read Section 2.3 (pages 37-44)

Take your own notes over the section due TUES. (1/21)


Upcoming events: No school on Monday (1/20)


Quote of the week: "Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves." -Henry David Thoreau


Question of the week: What is the average weight of the brain? Do men or women typically have larger brains based on size alone?


Medical term of the week: Pathology

Unit 1: Levels of Organization


Week 1 Terminology

Chapter 1: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology


1) anatomy


2) physiology


3) 10 major living processes ( respiration, digestion, absorption, circulation, excretion, growth, reproduction, responsiveness, assimilation, and movement)


4) 5 major living requirements ( water, nutrients, oxygen, heat and pressure)


5) homeostasis


6) negative feedback


7) levels of organization ( atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, systems, organism)


8) Body cavities

-axial : ventral

thoracic cavity ( pleural cavity, mediastinum, pericardial cavity)

abdominopelvic cavity ( abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity)


-axial: dorsal

cranial cavity

vertebral canal


9) Surrounding membranes

-pleural ( parietal pleura, pleural cavity, visceral pleura)

-pericardial ( parietal pericardium, pericardial cavity, visceral pericardium)

-peritoneal ( parietal peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, visceral peritoneum)


10) Organ systems ( integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system


11) Anatomical positions

-superior and inferior

-anterior and posterior

-medial and lateral

-proximal and superficial

-superficial and deep


12) Anatomical body regions

-sagittal region

-transverse region

-coronal region



Questions or Comments can be sent by e-mail to Moore Biology.