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The Physiology Classroom

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Introduction to Human Physiology

Winter 2002


Mrs. Meg Moore

Office Phone: 816-936-1467 Office Hours in room S124: Days 1-10: 12:30 - 1:25

Home Phone: 913-492-3482 * Appointments can be made for before school, meetings or after school.

Home E-mail: School E-mail: Course web address:

Textbook web address:


Goals of this course:


1) IMPROVE THINIKING SKILLS: To become an active thinker

-To increase your ability to gather, organize, process, analyze, and apply information.


2) IMPROVE COMMUNICATION AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: To become an effective communicator

-To develop specific strategies and techniques to read, write and speak using scientific terminology and methods

-To discuss and collaborate in small groups working effectively to manage time and task


3) INCREASE KNOWLEDGE IN HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY: To become a novice physiologist

- To increase your knowledge of the major organ systems by relating their form to their functions and interactions

-To apply your knowledge of anatomy and physiology to case studies of medical disorders


4) INCREASE BASIC LABORATORY SKILLS: To become a novice scientist

-To effectively use a light compound microscope to observe various prepared and unprepared slides of tissues

-To use dissection equipment and procedures properly to expose structures of interest clearly

-To write a formal lab report


Required materials:


1) 3 ring binder EXCLUSIVELY FOR PHYSIOLOGY * (1 ½" width recommended)

2) scientific calculator (scientific notation key usually has "exp," "EE," or "sci" on a button)

3) colored pencils for observations

4) textbook: Shier, D., Butler, J. and R. Lewis. Hole's Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology: New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2001.

5) software: a) Essential Study Partner for Anatomy and Physiology CD-ROM (disk 1 and 2)

6) internet access: a) student learning center for Hole's Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, and b) course web-site:




*Expect daily homework assignments. You will be given a paper copy of the weekly schedule every Monday of in-class and homework assignments. You may also access these weekly schedules from our web page: Typical homework assignments are readings, writings, and lab reports. However, you can expect "atypical" homework assignments sprinkled throughout the semester.



*Be on time to class. Using the restroom and going to your locker for required materials should be done during passing.

You will have free 2 unexcused tardies per quarter. If you are tardy a third time, you will be assigned a detention.

*Turn assignments in on time at the beginning of class to receive full credit. *EACH DAY AN ASSIGNMENT IS LATE, YOUR GRADE on that assignment WILL BE LOWERED by 10%.

*ABSENCES: You have two days for each day you were absent to make-up in-class and homework assignments. It is your responsibility to "catch up" after an absence. Please see me before or after school, NOT DURING CLASS regarding make-up work.


*TESTS: If you are absent the day of the test, you will take a different version of the test. You will have two days to

take the test. If you do not take the test by the end of the two days, each day that follows will result in a 10% deduction.


3) PRACTICE SAFETY AT ALL TIMES. *Rules explained later.



There are primarily eight ways in which you will be evaluated this semester.


1) PROJECTS AND CASE STUDIES: Case studies will be a part of studying each body system. This will involve applying the knowledge of a system to a disorder by reviewing patient history and symptoms and researching possible disorders. You will also be assessing the possible treatment of the disorder in which you diagnosed. Projects will be sprinkled throughout the semester to build in the connections between all the systems of the human body. One of your semester projects will involve the study and observation of zebra fish embryos.


2) LABS: Laboratory experiments are a vital component to a physiology course. Being a human physiology course, we will be using various mammals for direct correlation with the human anatomy and physiology. Possible organ dissections to expect this semester are sheep eye, sheep brain, and sheep heart and sheep kidney. We will also be an in-depth semester long dissection of a mink.


Due to the precision and complexity of most of the labs, it is vital to read the labs the night before the day of the lab. You can expect a pre-lab quiz or a pre-lab write-up. Lab reports will vary from informal (observations and analysis) to more formal (introduction, hypothesis, materials, procedure, results in tables and graphs and conclusion). At the beginning of the semester, most labs will be very"cookbook in nature" or step by step. However, towards the end of the semester, you can expect more open-ended labs.


*LAB FOLDER: All labs will be organized and hole-punched into a 3-ring paper folder. This organization is essential as

most procedures are repeated throughout the semester. You will be provided with a handout of the requirements necessary for a formal lab report.


3) HOMEWORK: Point values for each assignment will vary depending on the level of difficulty.


4) PARTICIPATION: Your active involvement in discussions, activities and labs is key to your success in any class. You will receive a daily participation grade.


5) QUIZZES: Several quizzes can be expected each week. These quizzes may be announced or unannounced. These quizzes are put in place to motivate you to study on a daily basis over a prolonged period of time rather than cramming all the information in the night before a test. You can expect a major quiz after discussing each chapter.


6) CLASS NOTEBOOK: Keep all handouts, discussion notes and any other relevant class material organized and hole-punched into a 3-ring notebook. There will be periodic announced and unannounced notebook checks throughout the year. Notebooks will be graded on professional appearance, organization, completion and quality. This organization you will find to be invaluable when reviewing for quizzes, tests and especially semester exams


7) EXAMINATIONS: All tests will be announced and will usually occur at the end of several chapters.


8) SEMESTER EXAM: There will be a cumulative exam given at the end of the semester.



Tentative Course outline for Physiology


-Chapter 1 : Intro to Anatomy & Physiology

-Chapter 2: Chemical Basis of Life

-Chapter 3: Cells

-Chapter 5: Tissues


Chapter 12: Blood

Chapter 13: The Cardiovascular


Chapter 14: The Lymphatic System


-Chapter 6: The Integumentary System

-Chapter 7: The Skeletal System

-Chapter 8: The Muscular System


Chapter 16: The Digestive System

Chapter 17: The Respiratory System

Chapter 18: The Urinary System


-Chapter 9: The Nervous System

-Chapter 10: Somatic and Special Senses

-Chapter 11: The Endocrine System


Chapter 19: The Reproductive System

Chapter 20: Pregnancy, Growth and Development