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Weekly Schedule for Moore’s Physiology

Week 2: Monday, January 20 to Friday, January 24

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Monday, January 20


Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day



Tuesday, January 21 (day 5)


1)Wrap up introductory notes

*levels of organization

*role of homeostasis

*body cavities and coverings


2) Concept map overview of anatomy and physiology activity


3) Time to wrap up lab 1


Lab 1: Organization of the Human Body due WED.

Wednesday, January 22 (day 6)


1) Body’s chemistry discussion and activity


Body’s Chemistry Activity Follow-up Questions due THURS.


Thursday, January 23 (day 7)


1)Overview of Body’s Tissue Types

2) Begin Lab 2: An Introduction to Cytology and Histology




Internet activity and follow-up:

1)Visit AL’s histology:


2) Walk through each of the tutorials on the 4 major tissue types: epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous


3) Write down at least 3 characteristic and 3 examples of each of the tissue types on a separate sheet of paper


4) Take the mini-quiz at the end of each of the tissue types and write down the answers on a separate sheet of paper




Friday, January 24 (day 8 )


1) Lab 2: An Introduction to Cytology and Histology

1) AL’s Histology Internet Activity due MON. (1/27)


2) Lab 2: An Intro to Cytology and Histology due MON. (1/27)






Quote of the week: "The wise person questions himself, the fool others."- Henri Arnold


Question of the week: How many muscles and bones are there in the human body?  longest? shortest?


Medical term of the week: neonatology


Unit 1: Levels of Organization


Chapter 1: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

1) anatomy


2) physiology


3) 10 major living processes ( respiration, digestion, absorption, circulation, excretion, growth, reproduction, responsiveness, assimilation, and movement)


4) 5 major living requirements ( water, nutrients, oxygen, heat and pressure)


5) homeostasis


6) negative feedback


7) levels of organization ( atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, systems, organism)


8) Body cavities

-axial : ventral

thoracic cavity ( pleural cavity, mediastinum, pericardial cavity)

abdominopelvic cavity ( abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity)

-axial: dorsal

cranial cavity

vertebral canal


9) Surrounding membranes

-pleural ( parietal pleura, pleural cavity, visceral pleura)

-pericardial ( parietal pericardium, pericardial cavity, visceral pericardium)

-peritoneal ( parietal peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, visceral peritoneum)


10) Organ systems ( integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system


11) Anatomical positions

-superior and inferior

-anterior and posterior

-medial and lateral

-proximal and superficial

-superficial and deep


12) Anatomical body regions

-sagittal region

-transverse region

-coronal region


Chapter 2: Chemistry of the Body


1) Inorganic compounds (water, salts, oxygen and carbon dioxide)

*overall chemistry and roles in the body


2)Organic compounds ( carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids)

*overall chemistry and roles in the body


Chapter 3 and 5: Cytology and Histology


1)Eukaryotic cell structure and function ( plasma membrane, nucleus, rough ER, smooth ER, Golgi body, cytosol, lysosome, mitochondria, peroxisomes, microfilaments and microtubules, cilia, flagella, etc.)


2) 4 major tissue types ( epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous)

* examples, locations,  characteristics, appearance and functions


Questions or Comments can be sent by e-mail to Moore Biology.