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The Microbiology Classroom 

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Helpful Links


On-line textbooks, lecture notes and tutorials

1) The Microbiology Place

Password required: Corresponds with Microbiology: An Introduction Textbook: Tutorials for chapter reviews and related web links

2) Microbiology Lecture Notes

3) Fundamentals of Microbiology, University of Connecticut

On-line college syllabus containing practice quizzes, lectures and study guides

4) Microbiology Lecture Notes, University of Connecticut

5) Microbiology, Cornell Univerisity

Interactive lecture notes in  microbiology

*Interactive Virtual Microscopy Mystery

6) Bacteriology 330, UW-Madison

Very informative lecture notes

*lecture topic main page contains detailed information and images on a handful of specific pathogenic bacteria


Microbes are Everywhere

1) Microbe Library 

Searchable database of microbe images, information and activities

2) The Bad Bug Book
On-line handbook of basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microbes 

3) Cells

A tremendous gallery of images, video clips and animations of microbes

4) Microbe Zoo

A virtual tour of the microbes all around you by clicking on the "animated microbial zoo":

contains actual images and information on the microbes found in each of the environments

5) "One Flew Over the Petri Dish"

Video clip and interactive tutorial on biofilms


Methods and Techniques Used in  Microbiology

1) Basic Microbiology at the University of Texas-Houston Medical School

Brief descriptions and images of various lab techniques and tests


Microbes and Genetics

1) National Center for Biotechnology Information

-genomic and molecular database to analyze data

2) The DNA Learning Center at Cold Harbor Springs Laboratory

*DNA from the beginning

A wonderful interactive animated tutorial of the basics of DNA, genes and heredity

*Your genes and your health

A multimedia guide on genetic disorders, mainly on Marfan syndrome and Fragile X syndrome 

*Animations on genetics and biotechnology

3) Blazing a Genetic Trail,  Howard Hughes Medical Institute

 Information of several topics in genetics and biotechnology

4) Primer on Molecular Genetics from DOE


Images and Microscopy

1) Nanoworld Image Gallery

Searchable database of "nanoscopic" images of everyday materials to living things

2) Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc.

A vast gallery of enhanced high-quality images taken using an electron microscope, zoom-in images of various  insects and the top ten most wanted bugs list.

3) World of Scanning Electron Microscopy, Iowa State University
A short gallery of black and white images using a scanning electron microscope 

4) Images of Nature, Arizona State University
Another gallery of microscopic images that allows for the user to look at objects from multiple perspectives

5)An Introduction to Microbes in pond water

A site dedicated to those microbes in pond water; another page on this site provides information on the history of the microscope and various links


Host Defense Mechanisms

1) The Immune Wars, Cornell University

Animated game where you have to choose what type of defense to use to fight the pathogen


Animations and video clips

1) Cells

2) Microbiology video library

-handful of video clips on micro lab procedures and organisms


-Virtual labs (Virtual Bacteria ID lab)

-animations (1) Salmonella, E.coli and viral infections, and 2) bacterial conjugation) 

- web video

4) MicroWeb Animations, Cornell University

-handful of animations (cellular respiration, photosynthesis,  DNA replication and protein synthesis)


Infectious diseases

1) Center for Disease Control (CDC)

An invaluable resource for current disease information and statistics

2) A Dose of Pox

An interactive tutorial that walks you through the discovery and history of smallpox

3) Med Web Plus

Informational resource on diseases andconditions

4) National Institute of Health

Links to separate institutes and centers within NIH, A-Z searchable index of any health concern and so much more

5) Infectious Disease Web Links

6) World Health Organization (WHO)

7) Biology of Human Health and Disease, University of Connecticut

-Informative lecture notes on various infectious diseases


Science in the News

1) NCBI's Coffee Break

Current collection of short reports on recent biological discoveries


Scientific Resources

1) NCBI's Literature Database

The ultimate scientific research tool containing Pub Med, Pub Med Central, books, OMIM and genes and disease:

archive of scientific literature at your fingertips.

2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute


Teacher Resouces

1) Wakesman Foundation

Essential resource containing several links to microbiology related activities

2) Science in the Real World: Microbes in Action

Step by step techniques used in microbiology and troubleshooting

3) Microbe World Explorations and Education

Basic hands-on activities in microbiology

4) Access Excellence

One of the best resources for biology teachers to find current information, activities and images

5) National Center for Biotechnology Education

Current information and downloadable activities on genetics and biotechnology


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