The Biology Spot: 

The Microbiology Classroom

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Safety and Purity in the Microbiology Lab


1) Be prepared.

-Read all labs before the actual day of the lab.

-Make sure you are well versed on background information, materials and procedures.

-Possible pre-lab quizzes or write-ups can be expected on lab days.


2) Do not drink or eat in labs.


3) Practice aseptic or sterile technique at all times.

-Disinfect your work area before and after lab.

-Disinfect your hands before and after lab.

-Make sure all your materials are sterile and safe before beginning the lab.

-Never place contaminated loops, swabs, pipettes or other instruments back on the lab bench.

-Label all cultures with your name, date and name of organism.



-Heat the loop until you see redness before and after use in order to destroy all microbes.

-The loop should never touch anything except what materials are necessary for the microbe transfer.



-Most of the time your plates should be closed. Never leave them open to avoid contamination.



-Flame the mouth of the culture tubes before and after transferring.


4) Handle all microbes and wastes with care.

-Discard all disposables (cultures, plates, toothpicks, swabs, etc.) in BIOHAZARD CONTAINER.


5) Respect others and materials given to you.

-Follow all microscope safety and care rules.

-Use only your assigned microscope.


6) Be safe at all times.



-Leave backpacks, coats and any other belongings at the back of the room on lab days.

-Bring only the necessary lab materials back to your area. (writing utensil, procedure, etc.)



-Make sure hair is pulled back.

-Make sure loose sleeves are rolled up.

-Never leave flame unattended. One person in your group should be there at all times.

-If you are not using your Bunsen burner, turn it off immediately.



-Report them to the teacher immediately.



-Cover spilled cultures or broken tubes containing cultures with paper towels.

-Soak the paper towels with disinfectant for about 15 minutes

-Discard wastes in biohazard container.



-Allow for the teacher to remove the broken glass.

-All broken glass should be discarded in broken glass trashcan.


Questions or Comments can be sent by e-mail to Moore Biology.